Unlocking Collective Potential

John’s approach is a transformative process that fosters a collective awareness of how to harness diverse thinking styles within a team. The ultimate goal is for a team to adopt Whole Thinking™ as a behavior. When teams practice Whole Thinking each team member’s unique perspective is acknowledged, and integrated into the collaborative process in the right way for it to add value. Utilizing four straightforward diagnostic tools, John will show your team how to quickly comprehend their dynamics, pinpoint potential challenges, and identify paths to greater success.

Workshop fees

Fees for John’s workshops are based on the kind of organization—for profit or non-profit/social impact—he is being asked to serve.
To get a firm quote please contact John’s office.

Setting up your workshop session is simple!

  1. Contact us to schedule your 120 minute session here
  2. Your team will each receive an email invitation to complete the MindTime Thinking Style survey. On completing it each will receive their personalized Thinking Style report
  3. Each team member will also receive notification of the date and time of your scheduled online session, along with the link to join
  4. On the day of your session John will see you all online.

John follows a refined and effective process

In team dynamics, establishing a shared understanding of the issues often constitutes the bulk of the work required to identify solutions. Awareness is a solution. John’s core mission is to enable teams to develop a shared awareness of their thinking and how easily challenges can be transformed into opportunities for success.

It’s important to note that while the team is the driving force behind change, John plays a crucial role as a skilled facilitator. His expertise lies in guiding teams through vital conversations, ensuring that these interactions are open, honest, and meaningful, while also fostering an environment where every individual feels heard, secure and valued.